miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

.... Pure corruption against terrorism.

While we see that the essential problem in America is that its politics is power. Barack Obama case you think that only you know?
Who gave the weapons to isis to those who are against Assad?
But, those who fight them are mercenaries fighting on the side that more money would say that's not reliable. US oil comes directly from Syria to Iraq is the same as using the United states .de been united him to join Syrian ah when that person as they will fight, guns sends resources so that if they join Isis and continues to do whatever you want .The United States is a .Errónea strategy. They do not know how they see Obama this seems a blind, but worst of all, everything has something dark and very malicious purpose. Where thousands of people do not know the subject and went so affected.
Because it violates the resources and interests of the eastern part of the world. TRUTH that even in America. All this has caused chaos in Libya, Syria, Iraq terrible consequence, when will we act when we see before us kill it.
How ironic that his enemies themselves .. were friend or foe.

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